Sunday, June 13, 2010


Summer is here!! Or should be. The weather is unreal for this time of year. We went to the Summerfest last night. We go every year, but last night I honestly think was the coldest year ever. We bundled up, went to the parade and fireworks, and had fun despite the weather. I forgot my camera and didn't get any pictures. The amount of candy Kate ended up with reminded me of Halloween. She doesn't know I stole too many Tootsie Rolls to count. They were delicious until Tracy caught me. Apparently he feels Tootsie Roll eating and being advanced to insulin for my diabetes do not go hand in hand. Go figure. I love him for caring though.

Yeah, I am now on 4 shots a day. So far even that isn't getting my morning readings down. The Doctors are also still trying to figure out my liver. I changed both my internist and GI to doctors in Salt Lake since Utah County doctors make it up as they go along because they don't know what it is. I was so frustrated with the stupid answers they were giving me that I left. I love my new doctors in Salt Lake. One even told me my liver issues are NOT related to my age, diabetes, etc. which is what we knew all along. He said I had been told that because it is an easy diagnosis to pin it on. How refreshing. I was also told there is an answer to this. The question is, is my doctor smart enough to figure it out. Wow. My doctor actually said that. No doctor in Utah County would ever say that. I now feel that I am in the best hands possible. With doctors who actually CARE about me, not just giving easy answers because they don't want to do the work. I also had a scope and was worried about it because I ALWAYS wake up extremely sick. It also takes me 4-6 hours to fully wake up. It was done at IMC in Murray. I woke up not the least bit sick and was wide awake walking to our truck (Tracy had to drive) 45 minutes after the procedure. That never happens. The nurse told me which drug they used. I had never had it before. I came home and called the facility here that would have done the same procedure and they won't use that same drug because it is 'too expensive'. What?? Isn't my insurance company paying for it anyway?? I am so thankful that we were led to Salt Lake.

Next up this summer is Disneyland. Tracy and I were going alone since it was our 30th anniversary in February and his 50th birthday this month. We booked a suite at an extremely nice hotel we have always wanted to stay in, the Doubletree Suites. It is newer and SO nice. Brian really wanted to come. After hearing about it along with all the reasons why it would be a good idea, we caved. Then, the closer it got to the trip, TRACY started in saying that it would be so fun to take Kate and Tommy. Um this is supposed to be an anniversary trip and now we are looking into taking 5 and 7 year olds with us, without their parents? Was he crazy? But, I have to admit, I would have spent the entire trip saying things like, 'Kate would have loved this', and 'Tommy would have loved that'. So we asked their parents. Alicia worried about Tommy going without them since he was only 3 when we went before. Kate is older and Jen allowed her to come. So now we have an odd assortment of me, Tracy, Brian, and Kate staying in our anniversary suite and coming along. Can I say we are soooo excited!! We weren't going to tell Kate initially. We were going to have her sleep over then drive her to the airport with us and put her on the plane. Then we got thinking, what if she is worried that her mom doesn't know and melts down. How would we explain taking a crying child with a different last name on a flight? We opted telling her over federal custody. This way we can also show her You Tube movies of the 'scary' rides like Tower of Terror and the Haunted Mansion to get her familiar with them before she rides them. We came to a pact. She will ride every ride (except maybe Screamin) once and if she doesn't like it, we won't make her ride it again. Here is hoping she likes most of them or it will be an interesting trip.

We are also doing the annual tradition of Stadium of Fire this year, the cabin, the zoo, and whatever else we can cram into our summer. I have been slowed down some due to my health, but I am going to give it all I've got.

Friday, March 12, 2010


I don't get it. I don't understand how people, especially family members, can gossip about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. It goes far beyond getting the updates about various family members and borders on invasion of privacy, hurtful things being said, even racist things being said. It seems they troll Facebook and other social sights just to get the dirt on people, and then commence slinging whatever dirt they feel they have gathered. Come on, get a life! I CHOOSE NOT TO BE ONE OF THESE PEOPLE!! Gossip is one of my biggest pet peeves, right up there with lying. Is it wrong to not want to associate with a gossip, even if they are a family member?? I say no, it isn't wrong, and in fact, it is our right!! We have enough to deal with without having such a negative influence in our lives. OK, I'll get off my soap box now.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


How time flies. I can't believe we are into February already. Since our last post, much has happened:

Thanksgiving- All of our kids came home along with their kids and spouses, so we had a full house. I love spending time with everyone and we had fun.

Christmas- My favorite holiday of all. I love the lights and music of the season. We always spend way more than we should, but we just can't help it. We love to give. We love to come up with crazy and unique things for our family. This year we promised to cut back. I think we spent more than we ever have, but we had fun!! This year Alicia was mostly the victim of our fun. She was blessed with a light up pink pig with a Christmas hat to adorn her front yard. She still turns it on at night. We call it the Christmas Ham.

Santa found Kate and Jen at our house. We woke up a little earier than usual and after waiting on the stairs for Tracy to go down and turn the Christmas Tree lights on, all the while exclaiming how Santa left his entire sleighload of stuff at our house, we finally got to open our presents. Jen and Kate then went to TJ's house and Tracy and I decided to go to Alicia'a and watch the boys open their presents, so we took off in our pajamas. We had never done this before but we had so much fun!! Maybe a new tradition?

New Year's Eve was just Tracy and I along with Kate. Jen and TJ headed to Mesquite and Kate was supposed to spend a few days with her dad. He should have called to let us know what time he was going to take her on New Year's Eve, but he never called or came. Kate was heartbroken. We tried to make it fun for her and took her out to dinner but she was sad. It broke my heart. She is such a great little kid. How could a parent do that to their child?

I mentioned to Tracy in December that 2010 had to be a better year for us as far as my health was concerned. I shouldn't have said that out loud. In January I thought I was having another pancreatitis attack and my doctor told me to go to the emergency room. After alot of tests and a very detailed CT scan, they told me I had a mass on my left adrenal gland that 'didn't fit the criteria for a benign mass'. What a way to start the new year. Then next few days were spent worrying, praying, and lying in an MRI machine for an hour and a half. They determined it was not cancer, but needed further tests to see if my adrenal gland was functioning normally. We think it is, but I am headed to Salt Lake to an endocronologist to make sure.

Jen and Kate moved out in February. I am feeling a strange mixture of sheer joy and sadness. When we downgraded to a townhome it was due to my health and to allow us the freedom to travel and enjoy life without the worry of yardwork, etc. It has been a little cramped with them here, but we made it work. Now I kind of miss them and feel like empty nest syndrome has hit me again. They haven't moved far, just a few miles. I am so blessed to have all of my kids and grandkids live so close by. I can't imagine how I would feel if they moved out of state.

Today is our 30th wedding anniversary. I love Tracy more than I ever thought possible. He is so kind and gentle and takes such good care of me. He is right beside me for my tests and doctor's appointments. He surprises me and has the house totally cleaned on Fridays so I can relax on the weekends. He even heart attacked my Expedition last Friday while I was at work. What a wonderful surprise when I went to leave and saw it. I am so thankful to be the one he chose to spend eternity with!!

We are heading to Disneyland in June to celebrate and have some much needed fun!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Unfortunately, there has been some events the past few months that, to be honest, have been extremely concerning to me. I was told after my liver biopsy by the nurse that, although my liver was not behaving normally, it wasn't NASH. What a relief that was to us. Then about a month ago I got sick and went to my doctor. I had a double ear infection. While I was in his office, he asked me if his nurse had given me the results of my biopsy. I told him that she had and how relieved I was. He had a puzzled look on his face and said the results show I have NASH. It is still considered mild, but it is now considered 'liver disease'. He set up another appointment 2 weeks later (after I was feeling better) to discuss where we go from here. He also sent me to the lab for yet more blood work. 2 weeks later at the follow up appointment, he told me one of my liver enzymes had tripled in the last 2 months. That was very troubling to him. He said there was no reason for that because everything else looked so good. My cholesterol, triglycerides, A1C all looked better than they had in quite some time. He also doesn't think the liver disease is reversible since it has issues for so long.

He was baffled and referred me to a liver specialist. I saw the PA first and he is also baffled. He had me do a Gastric Emptying Study, an X-ray, and in 10 days have even more blood work scheduled. This next set of blood work will see where my enzymes are now, as well as a new test determined to tell if my 'liver is getting up in the morning and going to work'. I feel like a lab rat to say the least. I have an appointment with the liver specialist himself on December 9 to go over the newest tests and see if we can come up with a game plan.

I think this is all taking a toll on me. When I tell the doctor how I am feeling, he assures me it is normal due to my liver issues. I am not the least bit depressed, but I am exhausted, short of breath, have difficulty sleeping, have trouble concentrating, drop things on a fairly consistent basis, and just plain don't have any patience with myself. I also wonder what is in store for me going forward. I find myself sometimes reading too much into things. Like why I have most of my Christmas shopping done and wrapped before Thanksgiving. This has never happened before. And why we have our tree up already with all the presents under it. Why I suddenly have the need to make sure all of our financial affairs are in order, etc.

Don't get me wrong, I plan on being around for a long time to come, but there is nothing like being faced with your own mortality to get your priorities in the right order. I have experienced a wide range of emotions as well. Self pity, anger at Heavenly Father, gratitude for my wonderful family, wanting to shut out the world, etc.

So, during this Thanksgiving and Christmas season, I will be grateful for everything I DO have because I am extremely blessed. I will also get plenty of sleep because I know I am going to need it!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


We have had alot of fun this fall despite being sick and finding out I really do have NASH. I have turned the corner and am now considered to have 'liver disease'. I have decided to make the best of it and try my hardest to maintain my cheery disposition!!

These pictures are from the Trunk or Treat party. I think everyone looked so good this year:

This year we took the grandkids to Cornbelly's and let their parents come if they wanted, which they did. Brian decided not to come with us. This is the first year we have gone to Cornbelly's. We usually go to Hee-Haws, but I must say, we enjoyed Cornbelly's so much more and it was well worth the money. We were there over 4 hours and still had some activities we didn't get to. Kate even got to help out in the pig races, although her pig didn't win. By the time we left, we were hungry and exhausted so we headed to Wendy's for dinner.

Monday, October 12, 2009


This year we stopped by The Homestead on the way up to the cabin. It is beautiful but we didn't have a lot of time to take advantage of the activities they have there.

We took my mom with us to the cabin. She needed the rest and relaxation as much as we did, considering the summer we have had. Brian was moving and Alicia had sick kids, so they stayed home. We have never been to the cabin without seeing deer. This year we missed our moose, however.


We took Jen, Kate, Alicia, Tommy, Connor, and Riley to the zoo this summer. It was the first time we had just our girls and their kids and we had so much fun!!